Holy Spirit: Our Divine Advocate
The Holy Spirit, our divine Advocate, is not just a distant figure but a constant companion and teacher in today’s chaos and division. As believers, we are called to be vigilant and discerning, recognising the deceptions that surround us. This article delves into the Holy Spirit’s role as an unwavering guide and comforter, providing the support and wisdom we need in these challenging times and instilling a sense of reassurance and support.
Let’s start by reflecting on a powerful scene from the Gospels. In Mark 10:13-16, we see Jesus welcoming children, much to the disciples’ dismay. When the disciples tried to shoo the little ones away, Jesus became indignant, saying, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those like these children.” This beautiful moment teaches us a profound lesson about faith – we must approach God with the trust and openness of a child.
Children’s Acceptance
This childlike faith is crucial as we explore the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as “another Advocate” who would never leave us. The Greek word used here, “allos,” is significant. It doesn’t just mean “another” in the sense of something different, but rather “another of the same kind.” Jesus essentially said, “I am sending you someone just like me – divine, personal, and intimately involved in your life.”
A Familiar Song
Consider the lyrics of an old song: “Put another log on the fire.” We wouldn’t put the same burnt-out log back on, would we? No, we’d add a fresh one to keep the fire burning. In the same way, the Holy Spirit is that “fresh log” – the same as Jesus, yet distinct in person, sent to keep the fire of our faith burning bright.
John 14:15-21 paints a beautiful picture of this promise. Jesus assures his disciples that the Father will send the Holy Spirit as an Advocate who will never abandon them. This Advocate will lead them into all truth, teach them, and remind them of Jesus’ words. It’s a profoundly personal description, far from the impersonal force some might imagine the Holy Spirit to be.
Scriptural Insight from John
But here’s a challenging thought: while the Holy Spirit is available to all, not everyone recognises or receives Him. John 14:17 tells us, “The world cannot receive him because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognise him.” This reminds us that seeking the Holy Spirit is an active choice. We can’t be passive recipients; we must earnestly desire His presence and guidance in our lives.
Without the Holy Spirit here, here with us now, working for us and sharing the love of the Lord Jesus with us and through us, we also would be lost. Pr Geoff Donovan
Discussion on Spirit Withdrawal
There’s a common misconception among some believers that the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn from the earth in the last days. However, a closer look at Scripture challenges this idea. Jesus promised that the Advocate would never leave us. As long as people are wavering in the valley of decision, the Holy Spirit will be at work, striving to bring them to a point of choice. Only when every person has decisively chosen for or against Christ might we see a shift in the Spirit’s work.
This doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit forces anyone to choose God. On the contrary, He respects our free will, unlike earthly powers that might coerce or manipulate. The Spirit gently invites, guides, and empowers but always allows us the dignity of choice.
Times of Trouble
In these last days, as deception increases and even the very elect might be at risk of being led astray, we need the Holy Spirit more than ever. He is our safeguard against the enemy’s schemes, our teacher in confusing times, and our comforter when the world seems to be falling apart.
Zechariah 4:6 reminds us of a crucial truth: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” How often do we try to navigate life’s challenges through our strength and wisdom? It’s a natural human tendency, but it’s also a path to frustration and failure. The Holy Spirit invites us to lean on divine power rather than human effort.
Ephesians 1:13-14 describes the Holy Spirit as God’s “guarantee” of our inheritance in Christ. He is the seal of our salvation, the down payment of the glorious future God has prepared for us. This should fill us with hope and assurance, knowing that the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead is at work in us.
So, how do we respond to this incredible gift of the Holy Spirit? Here are a few practical steps:
1. Seek Him earnestly: Make it a daily practice to invite the Holy Spirit into your life, your decisions, and your interactions.
2. Listen attentively: Create space in your life for quiet reflection, allowing the Spirit to speak to your heart through Scripture and prayer.
3. Obey promptly: When you sense the Spirit’s guidance, act on it. Obedience opens the door to greater intimacy with God.
4. Depend on His power: Instead of relying on your strength, consciously lean on the Spirit’s power for significant challenges (like making a major life decision or dealing with a problematic relationship) and daily tasks (like managing your time or staying patient in traffic).
5. Cultivate the fruit: Allow the Spirit to develop His fruit in your life – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
In conclusion, let’s return to the fire imagery. The Holy Spirit is like a fresh log that brightens the fire of our faith. In a world growing colder and darker, we need that warmth and light more than ever. Will you invite Him to stoke the flames of your spiritual life today?
As we face the uncertainties of our times, let’s cling to Jesus’ promise: “I will not leave you as orphans.” Through the constant presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we are never alone. He is our divine Advocate, teacher, comforter, and guide. This reassurance should make us feel secure and never alone. May we learn to walk in step with Him, allowing His transforming presence to shape us into the image of Christ and empower us for the challenges ahead.