Experience the love of god in Our Bunbury Christian Community
Welcome to Bunbury Christian Community, where faith meets community! Join us to explore a deep connection with Jesus and engage in a life-giving community where everyone is genuinely welcome. Our Bunbury Christian Community are passionate about creating an environment for authentic spiritual encounters and empowering you to discover and use your gifts to serve God’s glory. Ready to find your purpose? Plan a visit and see what God has in store for you!
Truth Proclaimed
Bunbury Church
Welcome to the Seventh Day Adventist Bunbury Church, where faith finds a home and hearts are united in the pursuit of spiritual growth and service. Discover the power of faith, join us in worship, and experience the love of a supportive community. Explore our ministries, engage in fellowship, and let your faith flourish in a nurturing environment. We invite you to visit us and be a part of our vibrant and inclusive community.
Youth Group Bunbury
Welcome to the Bunbury Youth Group, a vibrant community where young hearts and minds come together to explore their faith, forge lasting friendships, and make a difference in the world. Our group is dedicated to nurturing a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, guided by the principles of the Bible, and expressed through love, service, and fellowship. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, opportunities for outreach, or just a place to belong, you’ll find a warm and welcoming family here with us. Join us as we journey together, sharing hope, spreading love, and living out our faith in dynamic, meaningful ways.
At our church, diversity thrives and every culture is honored. Our vibrant community celebrates each individual through inclusive worship and diverse spiritual practices. Feel embraced by a family that values unity in diversity. Join us and experience why our church is a beacon of hope and connection for all cultures.
The Father: Embracing the Divine in Modern Life
Have you ever pondered the transformative power of understanding God as the Father in our lives today? In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, the relevance of the Bible and this understanding is not just crucial, but also inspiring and full of hope. The...
Unshakable Faith
Unshakable Faith: Moving Beyond Contract Christianity In our walk with God, we often find ourselves at a crossroads between what we expect from our faith and what God truly desires. Many of us have grown up with a "contract faith" mentality – the idea that God will...
Galatians 5:22-23
Introduction: The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom Today Have you ever considered the lasting relevance of ancient wisdom in our fast-paced, modern world? How can words written centuries ago still offer profound meaning and guidance for our lives today? In Galatians...
Prayers for Today : Connecting with Divine Strength and Guidance
Have you ever wondered about the power of prayer in today's fast-paced, ever-changing world? With so much going on around us, it can be easy to overlook the timeless relevance of the Bible and the profound impact prayer can have on our lives. Yet, prayer remains a...
Fruits of the Holy Spirit: The Divine Manifestation in Our Lives
Have you ever considered the Bible's relevance in our fast-paced modern lives? Does its ancient wisdom still hold significance for our contemporary existence? The answer can be found within the Bible itself and its transformative power. With its profound insights, the...
Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet: A Lesson in Humility and Love
Introduction: Rediscovering Biblical Teachings in Modern Times In an age where self-promotion and personal achievement often overshadow the virtues of humility and service, we might ask ourselves: how relevant are the teachings of the Bible in our modern lives? One of...
Jesus Turning Water into Wine
The Relevance of the Bible in Modern Life Have you ever wondered about the relevance of the Bible in our modern lives? Does it still hold the power to speak to us, to transform our daily experiences? One of the most compelling accounts in the Gospels is about Jesus...
What is Jesus’ Real Name?
1. Exploring the Question: What Is Jesus' Real Name and Its Significance Today In an age where doubt often overshadows faith, one might ask: ‘what is Jesus' real name’? and does it hold any significance in our modern lives? These questions, seemingly simple, open a...
Jesus | Where Did Jesus Crucifixion Take Place?
In an era where the relevance of ancient texts is often pondered, do I really need to ask: ‘where was Jesus crucified’? The answer lies not only in the historical reality of Calvary but in the profound spiritual truths it reveals. Where Was Jesus Crucified? The...
Knowing God | Understanding the Divine in Modern Life
Knowing God: Understanding the Divine in Modern Life Have you ever wondered about the relevance of the Bible in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world? The question is not merely academic but deeply personal and profoundly impactful. How do we understand God in a...
God’s Definition | Understanding the Divine in Modern Life
God's Definition: Understanding the Divine in Modern Life In today’s world, where science and technology shape much of our understanding, the question often arises: What is the relevance of the Bible in our modern lives? More specifically, how do we comprehend God's...
Who is God? | Discovering the Almighty in Modern Life
Who is God? Discovering the Almighty in Modern Life Many in our fast-paced, ever-changing world still grapple with the fundamental question: Who is God? How can the ancient scriptures shed light on this question and offer relevance in our lives today? The answers lie...
Inspiring Bible Verse | Timeless Guidance for Today’s Challenges
Inspiring Bible Verse: Timeless Guidance for Today’s Challenges Have you ever wondered if the ancient words of the Bible can still provide comfort and guidance in our modern world? Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of today's life, can the timeless truths found in...
God is Real | Discovering His Presence in Modern Life
God is Real: Discovering His Presence in Modern Life Is God real? This question has echoed through the corridors of time, touching the hearts and minds of countless individuals. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, many still seek the answer to this...
God’s Words | Eternal Guidance for Modern Times
God's Words: Eternal Guidance for Modern Times Have you ever wondered if the ancient words of the Bible still hold relevance in our fast-paced, modern world? Can these sacred scriptures provide the guidance and comfort we so desperately seek in times of uncertainty?...
The Best Bible Verses | Timeless Guidance for Modern Lives
The Best Bible Verses: Timeless Guidance for Modern Lives Have you ever wondered about the Bible's relevance in today's world? In an age filled with rapid changes and constant challenges, can ancient scriptures still provide the guidance and comfort we seek? The...
Old Testament Book | Unlocking Divine Wisdom in Today’s World
Old Testament Books: Unlocking Divine Wisdom in Today's World Have you ever wondered if the ancient texts of the Old Testament Book hold any relevance in our modern, fast-paced lives? Can the wisdom from these ancient scriptures still guide us, comfort us, and provide...
Jesus Quotes | Illuminating Our Modern Lives
Is the Bible still relevant in our fast-paced, ever-changing world? Can the words that Jesus quotes from over two thousand years ago still guide us, comfort us, and shape our lives today? These are crucial questions as we seek to navigate the complexities of modern...
Mere Christianity
Discover the Essentials of Faith: A Review of "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis C.S. Lewis, one of the most influential Christian apologists of the 20th century, presents a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the Christian faith in his classic work, Mere...
Steps To Christ
Discover Spiritual Growth: A Review of "Steps to Christ" by Ellen G. White In the journey of faith, understanding the steps to draw closer to Christ is crucial for every believer. Ellen G. White’s classic book, Steps to Christ, offers a clear and accessible pathway to...
Preacher and the Prayer
Discover the Power of Prayer: Introducing "Preacher and the Prayer" by E.M. Bounds In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, many seek solace and guidance through spiritual means. One of the timeless methods for finding peace and direction is through...
Bunbury Community Care
Compassion is at the heart of our mission, reflecting our commitment to embodying Christ’s love through practical service. This initiative is designed to support individuals and families facing challenges by providing essential aid, counselling, and a variety of resources tailored to their needs. We believe in the power of community to uplift, heal, and transform, and through this program, we aim to make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us. Join us in extending a helping hand and spreading hope to every corner of our community.
Bunbury Food Hamper
Join us in supporting Feed it Forward, a community-driven charity dedicated to reducing food waste and feeding needy families. Every Saturday from 9 AM to 12:30 PM, you can drive through and collect food items to help make a difference. This initiative supports local families and saves thousands of kilograms of food from going to waste each month. Let’s help uplift our community together. For more information on contributing or volunteering, visit Feed it Forward.
Frequently Asked Question
What is Seventh-day Adventism?
Seventh-day Adventism is a Christian denomination that observes the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) and emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ and follow the teachings of the Bible as our ultimate guide for faith and practice.
What can I expect during a typical worship service?
While larger churches dunc imperdiet laoreet est et imperdiet. Maecenas tempus augue non euismod elementum. Curabitur a nunc libero. Phasellus orci mauris, imperdiet vel magna quis, convallis sagittis magna.
When and where are your worship services held?
Our worship service, which begins with group Bible study at 9:30 and is followed by our sermon, is held every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at 7 Woodley Rd, Glen Iris, WA 6230. We welcome you to join us for a meaningful time of worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.
Do I need to bring anything?
Just come as you are! No need to bring anything specific. If you’d like, you can bring a Bible, but we have plenty available. There’s no obligation to put money into the offering. Your presence is what matters most. Join us and experience our welcoming community!
Stay connected
Stay connected with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bunbury by subscribing to our weekly newsletter! Get updates on upcoming events, inspiring messages, and community news delivered straight to your inbox. Join our loving church family and stay informed on how we’re spreading the gospel and holding the scriptures dear to our hearts. Subscribe today and be a part of our mission!